Blog The Second

Once upon a time I started a blog and posted a few things and then slowly forgot about it until one day I said "Wait, why do I still have this blog?". I then deleted the blog because I didn't like it floating around being useless. We will call that blog "Blog The First" which... Continue Reading →

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Not Dead Yet

Over the past year or so I have thought about the existence of this blog two or three times but have neglected to write anything here. Not that it really makes a difference to the outside world. It just defeats the point of Blog The Second. I have written a few things in the past... Continue Reading →

Nothing In Particular

It's a surprisingly warm day today. Not too hot though. It rained the past few days so the ground is still spongy, perfect for walking barefoot. I wish I didn't have such a hard time coming up with things to write. Maybe, if I can get through a couple of months forcing myself to write... Continue Reading →


Hence forth Scribbles shall be known as a type of post in which I dig through notebooks and share with you some of the random bits of stories/poems/or thoughts I find written there. Wow, what a great introduction. (she typed with utmost sarcasm) Well, I should warn you that the stories/poems/or thoughts that I dig... Continue Reading →

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